Novatech, producer and supplier of bonding agents, surface treatments, sealants and cleaning products contacted edibo for the drastic renovation and expansion of their industrial buildings, also required to meet their upcoming expanding operational needs. Project Leader Edwin gladly sheds a light on this project, that was bursting with technical and budgetary optimisations.  

The project: industrial renovation and expansion

  • Drastic wall, roof and floor renovation of the existing industrial buildings
  • New loading dock with 5 loading and unloading stations
  • Expansion with office and meeting areas for the logistics employees
  • Construction of solvent storage area and sprinkler room
  • New compartment wall in the existing warehouse
  • Concluding environmental works

The challenges

Every construction project comes with its own unique challenges. This was no different with the Novatech project. The main focus lied in finding the right balance between choosing the technically most advanced building solutions, and the specified budget.

Above: the condition of the buildings before the start of the project

1. Optimised loading dock system

The first major challenge was seamlessly integrating a new, advanced loading dock into the existing building structure. This required precision and a detailed planning, with use of innovative prefab elements in order to save time as well as money. An approach our constructive challengers helped develop thanks to our 40+ years of industrial construction expertise.

2. Living design

Another challenge was budget-control in function of the design. This really started to come into shape as the construction process progressed.

Despite a number of interim adjustments to the design and additional infrastructure and sewage system works, we managed to complete the project within the specified budget. Moreover, we did so without compromising quality or planning.

This was only possible thanks to a positive and constructive cooperation within the construction team. Flexibility, knowledge and trust between commissioner Novatech, architect Patrick Verhamme of Studio 11 architects, and contractor edibo acted as the key elements. Together, they lead this project to a stunning result.

3. Fire safety guaranteed, at a lower price tag

A final major challenge was the technical optimisation of the fire spread details by the stability engineers.

Instead of going for a massive, founded firewall that has been sawn out of the floor in the existing buildings, we decided to cast a wall of about one metre high in concrete that acts as foundation for the firewall. Thanks to this solution, we managed to reach maximum span of the applied panels, and realise a budget-friendly firewall. Financially, a considerably more efficient solution without having to compromise on fire safety.

Typical edibo?

Not only did we adjust to the technical demands of this project, we also actively listened to our client’s wishes, by allowing a continued open communication between the architect and the building consultant. Furthermore, we made sure that the site stayed accessible and operational for the working staff throughout.

The flexibility in our planning and implementation proved to be crucial here, on site as well as next to it. Modifications and adjustments were integrated quickly without disrupting the construction plan. Furthermore, the specified budget was always respected. Even more, thanks to our optimisations, we managed to pull a number of works from a later phase to an earlier one.

Do you have a challenging construction project in mind?

Are you looking for an industrial construction partner who not only offers technical expertise but also a flexible and customer-oriented approach? In that case, edibo is your ideal partner.

Contact us today to discuss your building ambitions and to discover how we can help you realise them. Be sure to take a look at our realisations across a variety of industries.